Monday, May 2, 2011

Increasing Your Site's Page Rank - What You Need to Know

Searching... by Fifi 1968

Automatic SEO Service

Without quality traffic a website is just a place to store data. Even though the Internet gives us various ways to get visitors, nothing comes close to the value search engines provide in this area - especially Google. When your website is ranked through Google, the floodgates of traffic will open up and flow right into your site.

The first step to get good ranking with Google is to make Google believe your site has something to offer. Is there a secret for making that happen? You must first increase the page rank of your site to show Google that your site has some value. What we aim to achieve with this article is to give you a preliminary knowledge about boosting your site's page rank so you can take your first step towards it.

Social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, Reddit, Delicious and Digg all have great page ranks and sites listed in them can be greatly helped in terms of their own page ranks. These websites are a great way to reach out to your target audience by providing the right kind of content. So in a way, social bookmarking sites offer you a way to directly and indirectly increase your website's page rank. How does that work? For one thing, the websites that you submit to already have a very high page rank. Secondly, these types of sites are viewed as a great resource for other types of information. If your website has something real to offer it won't take long for lots of other sites to link to you and help you get a higher page rank. The tags of your bookmarks need to be relevant and have the best keywords.

It's vital you use original content on your website. Don't be tempted to copy content from another site. Original content is the first thing you should focus on so that you can make a good impression on Google. Copied content should never be used on your website. Even if you are the original author of the content you are wanting to copy. Just say no and don't use it. Don't cut corners and use copied content. You don't want your site to fall out of grace with Google.

The goal of Google is to provide people who use Google with original, high value, and relevant content.

Write content for your website that invites others to link to you and potentially win a prize. This tactic doesn't get used a whole lot because either people don't know about it or they don't think it is a good idea. If you use it though you'll see all sorts of backlinks popping up for your site using good keywords because people like to enter contests. It's a slow process to build a better page rank. If you're angling for top spot on Google's page ranking list then these are the first steps you need to take. Just remember that the search engine giant uses many other factors to rank your website, and page rank happens to be one of them. So stay on your toes and make improvements in quality wherever possible on your site for the best possible outcome.

Article source: Chance Romriell ( fbf88c95 ) is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in seo services more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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