Saturday, October 30, 2010

Article Marketing Can Do A Lot For You - Once You Learn to do It Properly

SEO Expert

Google Analytics: SML Pro Blog Traffic Sources: Twitter vs Facebook vs FriendFeed vs Google SEO / 2009-11-01 / SML Data by See-ming Lee 李思明 SML

Are You Ready to Discover the True Power of Article Marketing?
Article marketing is delivering long-term traffic to thousands of websites and making many people a fulltime living. Given below are a few article marketing benefits that you should be aware of.

One of the strengths of article marketing is its ability to allow you to talk directly to the reader; all while pre-selling and informing them. In this day and age, consumers are worried about identity theft and their financial information being stolen. Trust is a very big issue online. Part of the power of article marketing is its ability to make you a credible source of information and the other part of its power lies in its ability to give the reader the information they need to find the product that best fits their needs. The key to article marketing is to learn to pre-sell. The term pre-selling has become quite popular in the Internet marketing world because of its importance. And your article is the perfect place to start pre-selling your prospects; they are already interested in the topic and want to hear your suggestions. The person who searched for the keywords that made your article appear was already looking for the information that you are providing; so, your job is to close the sale. The reader already wants the to learn more about what you are writing about so give it to them, along with a link to your site for more information. The power of article marketing is in the pre-sell. Building a group of followers is easy with articles as long as you share good information. When you actually put the time in to share information that the reader perceives as valuable and do it in a way that doesn't seem like you have an agenda; you will get positive feedback. Whatever you do, always put out quality content and you will be well accepted by your market. We all have our interests so can you remember your thoughts when you read a really good article about a topic you are passionate about? You would more likely subscribe to their list over another author. That is the effect that a quality article has on people; it will take you out of the information seeking phase and put you right into a sales funnel. Once your readers are hooked on your content, you can then sell them stuff that will satisfy their thirst for more information but you have to continue to provide value.

Still another benefit of writing articles is that, over time, your name will become familiar to people and they will gradually start to see you as someone with a lot of valuable information. As your reputation grows, this makes people see you as reliable and trustworthy. You'll notice that you will start to build loyal readers who will follow your articles and take your advice on a regular basis. You then move from being just another article writer to an established expert in your niche. As you carve out your own place within your niche, your article marketing efforts will become easier as your articles become sought after.
In conclusion, article marketing can play a major role in your Internet marketing campaign if you take it the right way and apply it with perseverance.

Source: Tristan Schlote is our guest SEO expert who also writes articles on the subject of Seo Placement.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New French Home? Hints and Tips For Learning French

Brittany, France | Sunset On the Lighthouse of the End of The World II HDR | by David Giral |

Buying a French property? Learning French is a worthy goal in life. But most people are not knowledgeable in linguistics which only makes it harder to find the easiest path to learning. Some people learn best through individual study. Yet, classrooms are still filled all over the place with the more traditional methods of learning involving repetition.

Looking for french property You can find many different methods to learn a language. Discovering which method is right for you will likely take some trial and error. Next we'll discuss some tips and hints to get you started.

Flashcards are extremely effective. Owning a french property means it's great to also own the language! Do not write-off flashcards because everyone else does; this simple method will enable you to learn at a faster pace than just about anything else. After all, why use flash cards with all of the super advanced technology that is available? Because they will have you outperforming anyone who relies solely on technology to learn. Flash cards are a great way to quiz yourself and practice your skills. They are easy to take with you. Flashcards can be used in a fun way with children because they will be testing the grownup; or you can practice with anyone who have zero knowledge of the language. The truth is that flash cards are one of the most tried and true learning tools available. Look for a tutor to help you. With a tutor, you can definitely cover more ground and learn faster than you could without any help. The advantage of a tutor is that you can get the kind of instruction you would in a class, but you don't have to go to a school. A tutor can be the ideal answer for anyone who finds it difficult to learn from books or online courses but may have anxiety about taking a class. A tutor can give you practice speaking in French and can also give you the kind of formal instruction that is helpful if you ever visit France or another country where French is spoken.

Use it as you learn it. This is another way to learn French, whenever you can speak the language with another then do it. Whenever you see an object and you know the French name for it; repeat it to yourself. Along with flashcards, this is the best method for remembering common vocabulary words. I can't stress enough how important repetition is to learning the basic vocabulary of any language. It takes some effort to learn a language, but it doesn't have to be unpleasant or even difficult. There are so many hints and tricks that you can use to make the process easier on yourself! You have to be willing to invest a little time to discover what learning strategy is most effective for you. In many cases, people have to experiment before they discover the technique that really works for them. Don't get discouraged if you are one of these people. If you are persistent, all of your studying will one day pay off and you will be a fluent speaker of French!

Daniel Seigle is our guest expert who writes about: Property France and Learning French Is Not as Hard as You Think